Monday, March 9, 2009

Eventual day

Hi every body today i wan publish an email I've sent to my sister Suha talking about yesterday which was an eventual day . Dear Suha Where are you? Long time no see. I miss you sister so much. Oh by the way, Suha, you won't believe what happened. You knew "Husein"Mazin's uncle, didn't you? Oh he died last night He was a young and strong man and he had good health. I was surprised when Mazin told me. Ali had called to tell him the sad news. Actually Mazin was freed. Because when Ali called, Mazin was busy that Ali left a voice message telling Mazin "call me as soon as possible". Mazin said to me "my heart is telling me something about my father. He is very old and sick and may be he died ......" then he stooped talking and called Ali immediately . Mazin was so surprised to hear that he felt so sad. He loved his uncle a lot. I was trying to calm him down. So please Suha tell our father. He must go to them and stand by his family at this hard time. OK Suha, have nice day and take care of yourself. Don't forget me and keep in touch.

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We successfully got approved for the Multi Dwellings project at ( - ) OGILVY STREET PEAKHURST

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