Saturday, November 20, 2021

المهندس المعماري ام الرسام الهندسي او مصمم بناء - ما الفرق؟

في الحقيقة القيمة  المادية و المعمارية و الفنية  للمنازل المصممة من قبل المهندسين المعماريين Architects  اكثر بكثير  من تلك التي يصممها الرسامين الهندسيين   Drafters and Building Designers   .

   المهندسون المعماريون أكثر تأهيلاً ودراية ، و تصاميمهم  تعكس ذلك  . وذلك لعدة اسباب :

١.يجب ان  يتمتع المهندس المعماري Architects المسجل بأعلى المؤهلات الأكاديمية ، وغالبًا ما يكونون حاصلين على درجتي البكالوريوس والماجستير. ويتوجب عليهم  إجراء العديد من والاختبارات للتأهل مهنيا في تصميم المباني بمستوى مهني رفيع   يساهم في تطوير التصميم الحضري والبيئي والاجتماعي ..الخ . وبناءا عليه  يُسمح للمهندسين المعماريين تصميم مباني مرتفعة أكثر من ثلاثة طوابق . ولا يتوقف الموضوع الى هذا الحد، انما يتوجب على المهندسين المعماريين تجديد تسجيلهم سنويًا وتقديم دليل على التطوير المهني المستمر CPD. CPD تعني  أن ينضم  المهندسين المعماريين لمحاضرات التطوير المهني لمواكبة اخر التطورات في المهنة والتكنولوجيا ،  يواصلون تصقل وتحديث معارفهم ومهاراتهم.

٢. بينما لا يحتاج الرسام الهندسي Drafter and Building Designers إلى مؤهلات أكاديمية أو الحد الأدنى منها كموهل  الرسم الهندسي . ولا ينتمون الى نقابة معينة كنقابة المعماريين . لا يمكن لمصممي المباني بناء أعلى من مبنى من ثلاثة طوابق. وفوق كل ذلك ،. كما لا يحتاجون اي تجديد او محاضرات تطوير مهني  لتجديد عضوية النقابة ...اي شخص مع موهل رسم هندسي يمكن تن يعمل كمصصمم مباني قليلة الارتفاع . بالتلي جودة التصاميم ضعيفة ان. لمن تكن معدومة.


يقوم المهندسون المعماريون بتصميم منزلك وأسلوب حياتك الذي تعيش فيه وتصميم كل مبنى من الصفر وبشكل منفرد لموقع معين . بينما يقوم مصممو المباني عادة بتصميم معين وتكريره بتعديله قليلا  ولصق التصاميم لمواقع مختلفة بدون ابداع او انتاج منفرد لكل موقع  .

 بصرف النظر عما سبق ، فإن هناك بعض مصممي المباني يطوروا خبراتهم  و يطورون أنفسهم  وعادة ما يسعون بجد  على تطوير مؤهلاتهم والسعي ليصبحوا  مهندسين معماريين.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

كيف تحصل على وظيفة دون خبرة عملية؟

 يسألني العديد من الشباب نفس السؤال: كيف أحصل على وظيفتي الأولى دون خبرة عملية؟

حسنًا ، أنا أكره أن اصارحك بالحقيقة المرة  ، لكن في الحياة العملية من المستحيل ان تجد شركة  مهتمًة بتوظيف شخص بدون خبرة. لذلك سيكون من الأفضل أن تقوم ببناء سيرة ذاتية مع بعض الخبرة العملية دون أن تكون موظفًا رسميًا

 لكن، كيف تحصل على ذلك؟

حسنًا ، هناك العديد من الطرق للقيام بذلك ، ولكن الطريقة الأكثر فاعلية هي العمل كمتطوع .انا على معرفة بالعديد من الزملاء الذين بدوء  حياتهم العملية بالتطوع .

هناك قاعدة مهمة في الحياة عموما، هي من اجل ان تاخذ ، لابد ان تعطي . وفي حالتك ، أنت بحاجة إلى الخبرة Practical Experience والتوصية المهنية Referee، ويمكنك أن تحصل على الخبرة مقابل وقتك وجهدك. أنت تستثمر في نفسك.

 اولا : استخدم Google للبحث عن الشركات التي تطمح ان تعمل لديهم، اعمل احصائية لهم. 

 ثانيا :  هئ  ( c.v) وكن مهتما باعداده جيدا، لا داعي للكذب!! كن واقعيا وصادقا . العديد يدعي انه عمل كذا وكذا، وعند العمل يكون قد ورط نفسه لان صاب العمل يتوقع مستوى ممتاز منه . كن واقعيا وصادقا . وكن واضحًا أنك تريد أن تبدأ حياتك المهنية وتحتاج إلى خبرة ورسالة إحالة جيدة لوظيفة مستقبلية محتملة.

ثالثا : ثم اعمل لمدة شهرين لدى افضل شركة قبلت عرضك. اعطهم كل جهدك، اعمل مع كل ما لديك من طاقة  ، حاول أن تتعلم كل شيء عن العمل ، كن نافعا ، حاول ان تكون نافع ومهذبا بطريقة تعلمك ....لا تهتم لم يدفعوا لك، فهم عالبا لن يقوموا بذلك (لا أعرف القواعد في بلدك ، لكن في بعض البلدان ، يجب عليهم دفع الحد الأدنى للأجور ).

رابعا :  بعد ثلاثة أشهر ، ابدأ في التقدم للوظائف ولا تستسلم. حتى إذا لم تحصل على عرض عمل بعد ، فاستمر في العمل كمتطوع لمدة أقصاها ستة أشهر ؛ إذا لم يقوموا بتوظيفك ، فأخبرهم أنك تبحث عن وظيفة ، وأنك بحاجة إلى دعمهم من خلال تزويدك شهادة خبرة  ثم غادر بابتسامة كبيرة ، وأخبرهم أنك ممتن لأنهم منحوك فرصة. قم بتحديث سيرتك الذاتية إلى شهادة الخبرة  الخاص بك كجواز سفرك إلى وظيفتك التالية. واستمر في المحاولة ، لابد ان تحصل على وظيفة ، المهم ان تستمر بالمحاولة ولا تيأس .

أتمنى أن تستفيد من نصيحتي. أتمنى لك كل التوفيق وأنت ما زلت صغيراً ؛ أمامك حياة رائعة. تحتاج إلى التخطيط لذلك والتحلي بالصبر والاستمتاع بالرحلة.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

How to get a job with no experience?

Many young people ask me the same question: How do I get my first job without practical experience? Well, I hate to break to you, but almost no one would be interested in hiring someone without experience. 

 So it would be best if you built a resume with some practical experience without being formally employed, along with referee details.

Now, how to get that?  Well, There are many ways to do that, but the most effective one is by volunteering.  I know it worked for many friends I knew. If you need something, you need to pay for it, and in your case, you need experience, and you can pay with your time. You are investing in yourself. 

 Use Google, look for large companies in your profession that you want to build your career around, get a list and go to each one of them. Offer your service as a volunteer, be clear you want to start your career and need experience and a good referral letter to a potential future job. Then work for a couple of months with all you got, try to learn everything about the work, even if they don't pay you( I don't know the rules in your country, but in some countries, they must pay minimum wages). 

Anyway, focus on your work; after three months, start applying for jobs, and don't give up. 

Even if you did not get a job offer yet, Keep working as a volunteer for a maximum of six months; if they did not hire you,  notify them that you are looking for a job, and you need their support by being a good referee for you. Get a referral letter, then leave with a big smile, and tell them you are thankful that they gave you a chance. Update your C.V. along with your referral letter as your passport to your next job. And keep trying, you will get a job. Rember, your attitude is everything. 

I hope you benefit from my advice. I wish you the best of luck, and you are still young; you got a great life ahead of you. You need to plan for it, be patient and enjoy the journey.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Architect vs Draftsperson vs Building Designer – what’s the difference?

Houses designed by architects sell for higher prices than the ones designed by the building designer. I would explain why ;

  • Registered Architects have the Highest academic qualifications, and often they have Bachelor's and Master's degrees. While other Building designers need no or minimal academic qualifications other than drafting qualifications or skills.
  • Architects must undertake many Tests and Exams to ensure they are qualified to design high-standard buildings that contribute to urban design and don't affect the environment negatively. While Building designers, they do not do that.
  • Architects are permitted to build more than three-story buildings, while Building designers cannot build higher than a three-story building.
  • Architects must renew their registration annually and submit evidence of their Continuing professional development  CPD. The CPD means that architects continue to update and develop their knowledge and skills. While Building designers are not required that.
  • Architects design your house and your lifestyle living at it and design each building from scratch. While building designers usually design spaces, shapes and copy-paste used designs with few modifications, circulating similar designs around.

 Apart from the above, sometimes experienced building designers that develop themself, break these records. And usually, work on gaining their registration as architects. so they turn out to be architects. usually, architects started as building designers, gain years of practical experince and work their way up until they can be qualified architects.

As a result, architects are more qualified and knowledgeable, so their products would reflect that. And accordingly, their building would look amusingly great and sell for a higher price.

Saturday, November 6, 2021


Research; By Rana Jaber 

Register Architect NSW, Australia.


The architecture of Social Sustainability is a new concept that attempts to enhance development within an acceptable level of global resource depletion and environmental pollution. It is a building concept designed to foster balance between the individual and the collective, between the present and the future, among individuals within the building, and between occupants within a building and its surrounding communities. [1] Most developments seen today have adverse effects on the people and the environment. No time in history has the conscious effort and resolve of many men and women who labor daily to save and preserve what is left of our environment after a long period of abuse and misuse been more significant than now. In urban and regional development, designers have struggled to come up with building innovations and designs that keep up with the trend. They do this by designing structures that utilize less space for more people in an environmentally friendly perspective, using natural light for the interiors, passive cooling or passive heating for energy conservation. In other words, they have shifted their focus to a phenomenon that seeks to enhance the efficiency and moderation in the use of building materials, use of energy, and use of development space to help the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This research work is aimed to formulate a social sustainable architectural concept that; attempt to incorporate; 

modern technology, renewable energy sources, and efficient building materials to developing an eco-friendly high-rise residential building concept to finally solve the problems that high-rise residential buildings pose in urban areas due to population growth.

Specifically, this study would attempt to answer the following questions:

  1. Are high-rise residential buildings playing the role of isolating people by changing their personalities? If so, how can they be corrected? 
  2. How can modern equipment be used to maintain safety in high-rise residential buildings?
  3. What are the fire risks, and how can unique fire safety problems and strategies for providing fire safety in high-rise apartment buildings be identified and solved?
  4. How can modern high-rise residential buildings be designed to improve the changing lifestyle experienced in today’s world and encourage social interaction among residents and community members?
  5. What is the best way to develop a wholesome design that would incorporate all the natural resources? Such as renewable energy, natural light, and heat (passive cooling and heating) to produce an energy-efficient eco-friendly high-rise residential structure that reduces the energy cost and pollution?

Significance of Study

The study will develop a design theory to fill the gap between technology and man’s quest for modern living in a high-rise. Thus, the research work would propose an architectural design concept that respects and improves man’s need for natural shelter by utilizing a completely different style in architectural design theory and concept to uplift man’s dignity. Through research and analysis, this work can make it easier for designers to come up with concepts that would enable man to live in safety and comfort with others in a large group without losing his privacy. The research will take cognizance of nature and the environment. Even in the use of energy design actual energy-efficient building and equip them with the needed energy sourced through renewable energy technology?


This research will utilize the investigation method of gathering data of existing high-rise structures and thoroughly examining such data to discover :

 How far is social sustainability utilized in their design? It would further attempt to develop some concepts that would correct any discovered flaws if any were to be discovered. It would specifically look into the issues relating to the building structures, car park, noise pollution, water tank, security, swimming pool, gym facilities within the high-rise to determine the extent to which they would foster social interaction and sustainability. Identifications of these problems would enable the researcher to develop designs and suggestions that would apply to any high-rise residential building in any location subject to minor adjustments due to sensitivity to tradition, culture, location, and the environment.

Critical Literature Review

In his article “The Green Delusion”[2], which appeared in Architectural Review of August 28, 2012, Paschal Hartmann argued that the Chinese concept of ‘green architecture’ currently enforced for new building constructions holds the country back from true sustainability. In 2011, the urban population in China exceeded the rural population for the first time in history, with 691 million people now living in cities due to migration, thus putting pressure on the housing sector. It is estimated that this number would rise to one billion by 2030, with 221 Chinese cities having more than one million inhabitants, making it the largest urbanization project in history. These outcomes would shape the 21st century. Paschal Hartmann then stated that the Green building technology which China imposes to help with the exploding situation is not the answer to the present problem when design alone can make buildings up to 50 percent more energy efficient. He thinks that ‘good design should be at the heart of the architect’s professional philosophy and standard for all new buildings, regardless of fad or fashion of the time. 

In his book, Joo Hwa Bay and Boon-Lay Ong; Tropical Sustainable Architecture – Social and Environmental Dimensions[3], he tried to develop design strategies suitable for high-density cities living in tropical countries Considered social-cultural need and local environment prevalent there. He showed how imported skills and knowledge can be incorporated with the tropical regions' diverse local cultural traditions and lifestyles. He also showed the kind of comfort indices and environmental standards that can be suitably developed for the tropical conditions and lifestyles of the people living in tropical regions.

           In an article published in Science Direct entitled “Some Significant Environmental Issues in High-rise Residential Building Design in Urban Areas,” the author Jianlei Niu of the Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China,[4] concluded that some the significant issues in high-rise residential building design in can be viewed as both problems and opportunities. He argued that high-density residential buildings can provide opportunities for the application of a more efficient centralized system and at the same time modifies the local microenvironment, which can be either favorable or unfavorable, depending on outdoor weather conditions. The challenge for designers and builders is to assess these impacts and consciously achieve a healthy and comfortable living environment with minimal use of energy for heating and cooling.[5] 


Architectural sustainability as a new concept in the architecture of trying to enhance development within an acceptable level of global resource depletion and environmental pollution is fast gaining popularity in many countries where urban development is proceeding at a very fast rate. High-rise housing actually started appearing in the 1950s and 1960s as a solution to the post-war population boom and to the increasing number of people moving into already overpopulated urban areas.[6]  Today, this has shifted momentum because of the need to design structures that utilize less space for more people in an eco-friendly environment using natural light for the interiors, passive cooling, or passive heating for energy conservation. In other words, there is a shift in focus to enhance efficiency and moderation in the use of building materials, use of energy, and use of development space to help the environment. Architecture is an evolving art and science. This concept of change and incorporating technology in design concepts is not new in our society. It started at the turn of the twentieth century in what is considered today as modern architecture. One of the impetuses for developing research around tropical architecture lies in the historical origins of modernism in Europe and the US.[7] “From its early days, modern masters like Le Corbusier and Oscar Niemeyer understood that Modernism in architecture ought not to be transplanted globally without some recognition of its changed context.”[8]  In other words, applying the concept of tropical architecture designed for the countries of Asia in temperate countries such as Japan or South Korea must undergo some adjustments in the locality in order to work efficiently. Tradition, culture and the environment must play important roles. Other early modern architects of the Twentieth Century such as Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, and Louis I. Kahn embraced and recognized technology as a transforming force for change in architectural designs and construction as well as in the formulation of architectural concepts. They envisioned designing the workplace buildings to serve as a comfortable environment for the workers - the kind that living residences offer. Evidence of this can be clearly seen in the celebrated modern architectural structures that transformed the workplace as reflected in the 1909 Turbine Hall in Berlin, Germany, of Peter Behrens in his attempt to give architectural dignity to a workplace; and Mies van der Rohe’s 1958 Seagram building in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, which have been depicted as a masterpiece of corporate modernism.


The architecture of Social Sustainability as a new concept in architecture as an attempt to enhance development within an acceptable level of global resource depletion and environmental pollution fosters balance between the individual and the collective, between the present and the future, among individuals within the building, and between occupants within a building and its surrounding communities. It is an effort to arrest the housing shortage of ballooning hosing problems in big cities using modern technology and design concepts that are eco-friendly and sustainable.

  [1] Christina Bollo. Social Sustainability defined for Architecture. 

Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility. Fri May 18, 2012 @ 05:30PM. Activated November 10, 2012.

[2] Paschal Hartmann. THE GREEN DELUSION - Architectural Review. August 28 2012

[3] Joo Hwa Bay and Boon-Lay Ong. Tropical Sustainable Architecture – Social and Environmantal Dimensions, Burlington, Massachusetts 2006

[4] Jianlei Niu. Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. “Some Significant Environmental Issues in High-rise Residential Building Design in Urban Areas” Science Direct. Received March 31 2003; accepted July 26 2003

[5] FX Teddy Badai Samodra. Senvar 12th. Thermoacoustic Analysis for City Terrain Roughness of Warm Humid Climate.

[6] BETA – International Debate Education Association. Activated November 9, 2012.

[7] Joo Hwa Bay and Boon-Lay Ong. Tropical Sustainable Architecture – Social and Environmantal Dimensions, Burlington, Massachusetts 2006

[8] Joo Hwa Bay and Boon-Lay Ong. Tropical Sustainable Architecture – Social and Environmantal Dimensions. Page 2 Burlington, Massachusetts 2006

The owner-builder: everything you need to know about council approval

Yes, you need council approval to build.

Development consent is required in most instances. There are generally three pathways for development: 

  • Exempt development covers certain types of minor work where no application for planning or construction approval is required; however, it must meet some standards. For example, to build a terrace, fence, internal decoration, painting, or garden shed, you don't need council approval, but you need to consider some rules that regulate these items. Council can make a random check on properties based on neighbor complaints to check if you start construction work that does not comply with codes and regulations or are not exempt and need a development application. 

  • Complying development [ CDC] application; covers work that meets specific pre-determined development standards and can be assessed and approved by a certifying authority (council or private accredited certifier) in 10 days or 

  • Merit-based assessment [which requires a DA then CC], must be submitted to a consent authority (usually council) for assessment. This path will give more advantages to your development and flexibility, but only if you use an experienced architect to design within all codes and regulations. You can get a more extensive and elegant house using this path compared to the previous path of complying development, as complying development is rigid and strict. The government needs to use a private certifier for a smaller project, but they control the result by stricken rules. This way council frees up the merit-based system for more complex and sensitive developments. 

Some clients think that CDC is a better choice than DA when building their dream home, but the fact is not. The only advantage of CDC over DA is that they get approval quicker. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

What is a Construction Certificate & when do I need one?

A Construction Certificate [CC]  is a formal request submitted to the authorities [ Council or Private Certifier]. you need it when you want to start building and you already have DA approval for the development. CC comes after DA or sometimes you combined them both in one application. CC approval is required before you start Building and after you get DA approval.

The CC usually contain ;

- all DA approved and stamped plans & documents ;

- Structural engineer details 

- Architectural Plans detailed for construction purposes.

- some other reports and details according to the project type.


Once CC approval is granted, you can start building according to approved plans. The building inspector from the council or the private certifier will inspect the building process accordingly. Once you finish, you need an occupation certificate to occupy the building. 

What is a Development Application [DA] & when do I need one?


Development Application [DA] is a formal request submitted to the relevant council. It is required when you want to get council approval of a specific Design of a development. it required for building new buildings such as new dwellings, duplex, townhouses, apartments, or more complex buildings. but it is not required for minor renovation or construction work, such as installing air-conditioning units, building balconies, decks, patios, pergolas, terraces, and verandahs, cabanas, cubby houses, ferneries, garden sheds, gazebos and greenhouses, carports, driveways, fences, and minor alterations. you don't need council approval for these exempt development, but you need to consider some rules that regulate these items

A Development Application [DA] usually include  ;

- all architectural design details and specifications

- Statement of environmental effects 

- BASIX certificate

- Hydraulic engineer plans.

Sometimes the land is in hazardous areas, such as flood or bushfire areas. In this case, you need different design solutions and detailed reports to indicate how the design deals with the hazard and supports your design. 

Once DA approval is granted, you need CC approval from the council to start building.

We successfully got approved for the Multi Dwellings project at ( - ) OGILVY STREET PEAKHURST

FOR HURSTVILLE CITY COUNCIL/ 103 Architectural Design, documented, 3rd max and photomontage is done by Rana Jaber Proposed: Demolitio...