This project designed by Tectongroup Pty Ltd,
the designer is Mrs Rana Jaber
Site Identification
Site area: 543 square meters
The site is located on a quiet residential street, in the municipality of Kogarah City Council. The land is 11.82 meters in width and 28.66 meters to 34.36 meters in depth.
The west side is looking to Kogarah Bay.
Above: Aerial view of the site in context currently existing on the property is a Fibro cottage tiled roof, which is to be demolished to accommodate the proposed development.
A new single dwelling is proposed with two car park garage. The living areas and amenities are on the ground floor whilst the bedrooms are on the first floor. A swimming pool is also proposed on the ground floor, The coping level is not to be elevated more than 500 mm above natural or existing ground level. On the ground floor, extending from the living areas is a private open space that takes advantage of the water view of Kogarah Bay.
after several meeting with the client, we modified to be as shown under
The land is 543 square meters; therefore, the maximum Floor Space Ratio allowed is 0.55:1. Hence, the maximum Gross Floor area permitted by Council is 289.65m2. Therefore, the proposed development complies with the Council’s requirements.
Building Height
As can be seen on the accompanying architectural drawings, the maximum building height is7.20 meters To the inner side of the ceiling. The proposed building height is only 7.10 meters maximum to the inner side of the proposed ceiling. Hence the new residence will comply with the Development Control Plan (DCP).
The finished floor level of the ground floor living areas is proposed to be elevated 300 mm from the natural ground level.
As can be seen on the shadow diagrams, any new residence would have cast considerable shadows. However the proposed development provides minimal effects onto the adjacent properties,
Having considerable setback from all boundaries, will sunlight into the adjacent properties.
The adjoining dwellings will have a minimum of 3 hours where the proposed dwelling does not cast a shadow on to the windows of the habitable rooms. The new residence will comply with the requirements of the DCP.
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