Friday, August 20, 2021

Design a New Single dwelling and Granny Flat at / Cubitt drive Denham Court NSW 2565

RMJ Sustainable Design proudly designed a huge single dwelling and Granny Flat on a land of 10,000m2 Lot. The land is within Liverpool city council  boundaries NSW/ in Dedham Court . 

The client wanted something specific , simple and practical. The Proposed development is alterations and additions to the existing dwelling at (Hidden for Privacy reasons ) Cubbit Drive, Denham Court NSW 2565 Australia. Alterations and additions to the dwelling are considered minor residential development. The proposal design contains minor alterations of the existing internal design, the main changes are for the kitchen. The kitchen proposed to be wider and brighter with three skylight light windows. There will be an extension for the dwelling from both the north side and southern side. Farther more, new guest houses and outdoor buildings (agriculture use) are proposed.
All proposed alterations and additions will be on the ground level, no changes will be proposed for the first-floor level. So, the first-floor plan of the existing dwelling will remain as existing.

Building Design and Appearance

The existing dwelling house is orientated to the street. The existing front pedestrian entrance is visible from the street. Proposed alterations and additions will be articulated, this articulation includes front porches, entries, windows, and changes in finishes.
Eave overhang will provide for sun shading and protect windows and doors. Eaves should have a minimum overhang of 400mm and be provided to a minimum of 70% of the dwelling.
The proposed alterations and additions to the existing dwelling are incorporate architectural elements that are compatible with the asymmetrical appearance of existing dwellings and neighbouring dwelling houses, particularly where a pattern is established by a group of Adjoining dwelling houses. And the garage, driveway and front fence do not dominate the front of the building and front yard.
Internal alterations and additions of existing Dwelling include; alterations of existing kitchen and dining area to encourage Take advantage of northern aspects and add new dining area, gym, garage, hair room, laundry, theatre room, bedroom, office room and Guesthouse. Internal alterations and additions of existing Dwelling will retain existing habitable rooms located to the front of the dwelling for security and surveillance to the street. Bathrooms, ensuites, laundries and walk-in wardrobes will be located to the side or rear of the dwelling. And will locate active use rooms or habitable rooms with windows overlooking communal/public areas.

Building Design (Car Parking)

The proposed development  To provide car parking facilities on site that are convenient, safe and have sufficient space for vehicular manoeuvrability, whilst being visually unobtrusive. Pavement and driveway materials are sympathetic to the streetscape and surrounding landscape character.


The existing development has three car parking garage, the proposed development will retain the same number but with alterations. as the owner requests a home office to be placed in the old garage space .so two of existing car parks will be replaced in a new double garage, and one of the existing car spots will remain in the old existing garage  (check the architectural drawings). A car parking space is to have a minimum dimension of [2.5 x 5.5m]. A single garage is to be a minimum of 3m wide internally and unobstructed.


Frontage setback is more than 57.5m approximately. A rear setback is more than 85.5 m approximately. The proposed northern side setback is 5 meters, while the proposed southern side setback is more than 5.5 meters. While the outdoor building will set back 12 m from the rear and 5 m from the side. Therefore, the proposed development complies with all objectives and the codes of Liverpool Council, in providing adequate setbacks.

Landscaped Area and Private Open Space

Existing Private Open Space to be renovated, it is located to the rear of existing dwelling, which is set aside for outdoor activities. Clotheslines, BBQ areas, pergola (unroofed structure), patio, and garden sheds are included in the private open space.
Principal Private Open Space is an area that is directly accessible from the dwelling and is included in the private open space calculations (the principal private open space area may be paved or sealed).
 The proposed development will keep the existing landscaped area and POS as it is, which contain a minimum of 75% of the site area shall consist of landscaped area, this includes lawn, deep-rooted trees, garden beds and mulched areas. And a minimum of 75% of the front setback area shall be landscaped area.


Cut and Fill

The maximum cut on a site will not exceed 600mm. and all retaining wall structures shall be masonry construction and designed by a suitably qualified person or constructed as specified by the manufacture of the product. All slab constructions for dwellings that are above natural ground level are to be constructed using dropped edge beams to retain fill. The maximum fill within the confines of the slab will not exceed 1m. All fill must be contained within the dwelling footprint.

Contaminated fill, either imported or found on site is not permitted.

 Landscaping and Fencing

The development will not need to apply to remove any tree, as the owner has been approved to remove some sick trees (please check council archive for more details), but trees that need to be removed in case then not been approved are marked in the architectural drawings (trees to be removed).   Landscape planting will be principally comprised of native species to maintain the character of Liverpool and provide an integrated streetscape appearance. Species selected in environmentally sensitive areas should be indigenous to the locality.

Landscaping on any podium level or planter box will be appropriately designed and irrigated. Landscaping on podium levels and planter boxes will be accessible from habitable areas of dwellings or elsewhere as appropriate for gardener access in other forms of development. Trees adjacent to private open space areas and living rooms will provide summer shade and allow winter sun entry.


No new fences are proposed, other than a few meters in front of the side entrance to the southern side of the Lot. It is proposed to create a feature wall and visual privacy. the fence will  not be higher than 1.8m above ground level (existing), and not include any masonry construction that extends more than 3m from either sides. The proposed development is located on bush fire zone land-so the fence proposed is constructed of non-combustible materials or hardwood, and (g) if it is constructed of metal components-be of low reflective, factory pre-coloured materials.

Proposed development is on a flood control lot-proposed fence will not redirect or interrupt the flow of surface or groundwater on that lot.

Vehicular Accommodation and Access

The location of access driveways will consider the natural features, topography and existing vegetation of the site. Access driveways will follow the topography and landscaping onsite (check the architectural drawings).

New Access driveways will are proposed to each side of the lot, the material will be only gravel to get access for vehicles that are managing the lot agriculture use. Access is located where they are easily visible on the street.

Therefore, the new development proposed provides practical and safe parking facilities, all requirements specified in the DCP are clearly adhered to in the proposed design.



All proposed changes and alterations will be on the ground level. The proposed building complies with all height restrictions specified in the code. Proposed alterations and additions will not cause any overshadowing to Adjoin properties, as the setback between dwellings is very large.

The living area of the dwelling will provide more than 3 hours of sunlight between 8.00am and 3.00pm at the mid–winter solstice.  The proposed design succeeded in providing more than 3 hours of sunlight between 9.00am and 5.00pm at the equinox, for a minimum of 50% of the private open space required for each dwelling and a minimum 50% of the private open space of a Dwelling on an adjoining. The development will  not overshadow any existing solar hot water system, photovoltaic panel or another solar collector on the allotment and neighbouring properties

Hence, there will be no overshadowing issues raised by the new project. It was clearly designed to minimise the effects onto the existing surrounding properties. At the same time it complies with all council’s codes and objectives.

Access to sunlight

 Visual Privacy

It is clear that the setbacks, mentioned above also improve the privacy of all residents. Proposed alterations and additions will be sited and designed in a manner that protects the visual privacy, of the dwelling and adjoining dwellings and their private open space. Habitable room windows facing side boundaries are to be offset by at least 5m from any habitable room windows in an adjoining dwelling. Building siting, window location, balconies and fencing are considering the importance of the privacy of on-site and adjoining buildings and private open spaces.

The acoustic and visual privacy of both the owners and their neighbours were addressed in the design process of the new dwelling. It is clear that the setbacks, mentioned above also improve the privacy of all residents. Furthermore, there are no windows or openings designed which overlook the adjacent dwellings.

All acoustic and visual privacy means have been addressed in the design process and the new dwelling proposed complies with all the Council’s objectives and requirements. The proposed alterations and additions are complying with the Environment Protection Authority criteria and the current relevant Australian Standards for noise and vibration and quality assurance.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

3RD Visulization for New Dual occupancy in 43 Universal St, eastlakes NSW,Australia

We successfully got approved for the Multi Dwellings project at ( - ) OGILVY STREET PEAKHURST


Architectural Design, documented, 3rd max and photomontage is done by Rana Jaber
Proposed: Demolition of existing structures and construction of a multiple dwelling development containing 3x 4 bedroom and 1x 3 bedroom dwelling with basement car parking area for dwellings 1,3,and 4 .

SITE Area:2077 square metresThe site is located on a quiet residential street in the municipality of Hurstville City Council. The allotment has an Eastern Western orientation, where the frontage faces Ogilvy Street, towards East. The western section of the subject land or the rear has water views to the Georges River.

Due to the natural terrain of the streetscape, the land is higher than the southern property, number 105 Ogilvy Street, and overlooks the existing detached dwellings to the Georges River; this is achieved as the land reaches 2.31 meters in maximum height above the adjacent land. Number 99 Ogilvy Street is also higher than 103 Ogilvy Street, by a maximum height of 1.5 meters.
The surrounding area has a diverse architectural style, with dwellings varying from simple cottages to double storey modern structures.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Design a New Single dwelling 145 the promenade , Sans souci,Sydney ,NSW Australia

This project designed by Tectongroup Pty Ltd,
the designer is Mrs Rana Jaber
Site Identification Site area: 543 square meters The site is located on a quiet residential street, in the municipality of Kogarah City Council. The land is 11.82 meters in width and 28.66 meters to 34.36 meters in depth. The west side is looking to Kogarah Bay. Above: Aerial view of the site in context currently existing on the property is a Fibro cottage tiled roof, which is to be demolished to accommodate the proposed development. A new single dwelling is proposed with two car park garage. The living areas and amenities are on the ground floor whilst the bedrooms are on the first floor. A swimming pool is also proposed on the ground floor, The coping level is not to be elevated more than 500 mm above natural or existing ground level. On the ground floor, extending from the living areas is a private open space that takes advantage of the water view of Kogarah Bay. after several meeting with the client, we modified to be as shown under GROUND FLOOR AREA 133.271 m2/ FIRST FLOOR GFA 145.358m2
The land is 543 square meters; therefore, the maximum Floor Space Ratio allowed is 0.55:1. Hence, the maximum Gross Floor area permitted by Council is 289.65m2. Therefore, the proposed development complies with the Council’s requirements. Building Height As can be seen on the accompanying architectural drawings, the maximum building height is7.20 meters To the inner side of the ceiling. The proposed building height is only 7.10 meters maximum to the inner side of the proposed ceiling. Hence the new residence will comply with the Development Control Plan (DCP). The finished floor level of the ground floor living areas is proposed to be elevated 300 mm from the natural ground level. As can be seen on the shadow diagrams, any new residence would have cast considerable shadows. However the proposed development provides minimal effects onto the adjacent properties, Having considerable setback from all boundaries, will sunlight into the adjacent properties. The adjoining dwellings will have a minimum of 3 hours where the proposed dwelling does not cast a shadow on to the windows of the habitable rooms. The new residence will comply with the requirements of the DCP.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This project designed by Tectongroup /The designer is Mrs. Rana Jaber

Proposed : Demolition of existing
structures and construction of a multiple dwelling development containing 3x 4 bedroom and 1x 3 bedroom dwelling with basement car parking area for dwellings 1,3,and 4 .

SITE Area:2077 square metresThe site is located on a quiet residential street in the municipality of Hurstville City Council. The allotment has an Eastern Western orientation, where the frontage faces Ogilvy Street, towards East. The western section of the subject land or the rear has water views to the Georges River.
Due to the natural terrain of the streetscape, the land is higher than the southern property, number 105 Ogilvy Street, and overlooks the existing detached dwellings to the Georges River;this is achieved as the land reaches 2.31 meters in maximum height above the adjacent land. Number 99 Ogilvy Street is also higher than 103 Ogilvy Street, by a maximum height of 1.5 meters.
The surrounding area has a diverse architectural style, with dwellings varying from simple cottages to double storey modern structures.

We successfully got approved for the Multi Dwellings project at ( - ) OGILVY STREET PEAKHURST

FOR HURSTVILLE CITY COUNCIL/ 103 Architectural Design, documented, 3rd max and photomontage is done by Rana Jaber Proposed: Demolitio...